A HTML-based application, designed primarily for implemetation on an Intranet,
that can also be installed on the desktop.
The SOS delivers your organizations' policies in a framework
that explains all the issues of information security. The SOS
is fully searchable, and has a dynamic contents-tree allowing fast access
to the required information.
product includes over 300 individual pre-written Information Security Policies,
which are installed as a centrally-managed Intranet resource,
either in plain text or HTML format.
System Requirements:
SOS is installed using a Windows executable program (EXE). Requires an unlock
code that is emailed immediately when you buy.
The primary delivery mechanism is HTML, requiring a web browser on the user's
The contents-tree, utilises Internet Explorer's inbuilt activeX control
(HHCTRL.OCX) or, for non-IE browsers, a Microsoft-written Java applet.
The full-text search facility uses JavaScript.
We recommend Internet Explorer 5+, although the system should function acceptably
with most version 4+ browsers.
There are also Word 97 and PDF files included. Free viewers
are available for these file formats.